Tassa pitkasta aikaa vahan treenipaivakirjaa viime
Enjoying a beautiful day after running! |
Monday: Semi-Long Run, 16K and 1h 35
Tuesday: Gym, whole body 70mins
Wednesday: -
Thursday: Running Pyramid Intervals,
Hard! 60 mins & 12K
Friday: Gym, whole body functional training,
80mins (warming up running 15min)
Saturday: Running steady and pretty fast!
60min & 12K
Sunday: Easy Running, 50min & 9K
Sunny Sunday run! |
Viikkoon mahtui pari kovempaa treenia, varsinkin torstain ja lauantain juoksut! Olin aika naatti molempien treenien jalkeen! Joogaa ei talle viikolle ehtinyt mahduttamaan, mutta kotona venyttelin epasaannollisen saannollisesti, ja perjantaina kavin hieronnassakin. Se on ihan must pitamaan mun niskat/selan kunnossa!
Tassa viela muutama ruokakuva viime viikolta. Ei mitaan gourmeeta, mutta maistuu mulle! :) Terveellista ja hyvaa!
1/2 Banana, Blueberries, Superfood Cereal (Gluten free), topped with some Cashew/Banana milk |
Gluten free "Pad Thai" with home made Curry Cashews |
Sliced Apple and a Larabar (too sweet for my taste!) |
Rosie's Romance as a late night snack in a football game! |
This week went so fast, probably cause I was super busy all week! Now I can't wait to go get in Finland, so excited! My "detox" might change a bit, cause I don't have a blender there. So please don't judge me, if you find me on the bread aisle. Finnish rye bread is so good, nothing like over here...
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