Nailla Niken LunarMTRL+ mallilla ma juoksen ainoastaan kovemmat treenit ja "kisat". Nama tossut ovat ihan super kevyet ja mukavat jalassa, mutta tukea tai vaimennuksia naissa ei juurikaan ole, ja siksi muut lenkit on parempi juosta hieman tukevammilla tossuilla. Muilla lenkeilla kaytan Asicsen Gel-Excel33 mallia, joka oli ainoa malli, joka sopi mun jalan mallille. Harmi, etta en voi valita mun juoksutossuja varin perusteella...
HCR:aan on enaa kuukausi aikaa... pari pidempaa lenkkia ehtii viela juosta ja muuten intervalleja ja peruslenkkeja. Ylamakivetojakin on ohjelmassa...
Talla hetkella mun "kisakalenteri" nayttaa talta, mutta jotain saattaa tulla viela lisaakin...
4.5 HCR
18.5 Extreme Run Vantaa
29.6 Paavo Nurmi 1/2 marathon Turku
14.9 Tukholma 1/2 marathon
3.11 Nyc marathon
Today I ran my first "clear street" run for this year. The whole winter went running or skiing more or less with easier pace. So today, I put my racing shoes on and did some harder intervals. It was so great to run without ice or snow on the streets. What a great run and feeling!
I run my harder runs and "competitions" with these Nike's LunarMTRL+ model. These are so light and comfortable to wear... it feels like running bare foot! My other runs I run with Asics Gel-Excel33, cause there's more support. This is almost the only model that suited my foot, so I can't really choose my trainers with my favorite color!
Only one month to go to HCR... I have time to run couple of longer run, intervals and just basic runs. And some hill runs too...
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