My morning started today with a run! Sun was shining and it wasn't too cold, just perfect weather for a run.
Nyt kuitenkin lasten kasvaessa ja koulun aloitettua on tilanne helpottunut, pystyn suunnittelemaan juoksuni oman ohjelmani mukaan. Aamulenkkeja tyhjalla vatsalla juoksen enaa ehka kerran viikossa viikonlopulla, kun muut viela nukkuvat! Nautin siita rauhasta, mika kaduilla huokuu, kun muut viela kaantavat kylkea! Ja ihana syoda juoksun jalkeen kunnon aamupala :)
Kehityksessa olen kuitenkin huomannut suuren eron, kun olen alkanut juoksemaan vasta aamupalan jalkeen. Olo on energisempi ja jaksan juosta pitempia matkoja ilman "hyytymista". (Esimerkiksi viime puolimaraton meni 7 minuuttia nopemmin kuin sama reitti vuosi sitten!) Ennen saatoin juosta pitkan lenkkinikin (noin2h) taysin tyhjalla vatsalla! Nyt syon aamupalan noin 6.30, ja 8.30 olen valmis lenkille!
There's been a lot talk about if it's good to run with an empty stomach... I used to run early in the morning with an empty stomach when my children were babies. That was the only time of the day, I had time for myself. I wasn't thinking about burning more fat or so on... I just enjoyed running. I am an early bird so I was up early anyway , doesn't matter if it was week or weekend!
Now when the children are older and going to school, its much easier to plan my runs. Now I run with empty stomach maybe once a week, while everyone else still sleeping. I enjoy to run in quiet streets... And knowing that soon I will get my favorite breakfast! :)
I can see a big development with my running now since I started to have my breakfast before run. (Ex. I did my last 1/2 marathon in same place 7mins faster than last year!) Breakfast gives me so much more energy so I can take most of my runs! I usually have my breakfast around 6.30, then I am ready to run around 8.30!
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Cup of Coffee... |
... And some of my favorite breakfast after today's run! |
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